Video editing and YouTube is easy: new courses for kids

If you are a budding digital content creator, we have great news for you. Our school is launching specialized courses where children can learn the basics of video editing and working with the popular video hosting site YouTube.

The courses are designed specifically for children between the ages of 9 and 18. They will go on this exciting journey with our best experts and will be able to learn new and useful skills. To find out more, visit, where all the useful information and our contacts are detailed.

What a child will get on our school's courses

We, as a programming school for children, are pleased to announce the start of a new special program. This is a great option for those who already know how to create video content or who are just taking their first steps in this direction. With us you can learn how to improve quality, analyze statistics on YouTube, work with the best software and more.

  1. Immersion in the world of video editing. Our teachers will tell and show students what transitions, color correction, demonstrate the importance of proper sound design. This way you will be able to improve your video significantly in terms of quality, attractiveness and effectiveness for posting on video hosting;
  2. Unique content for YouTube. It's no secret that this site is considered the most popular and viewed in the world. YouTube gives you the opportunity not only to watch, but also to publish your own videos. We will teach you how to create viral video clips, design thumbnails, come up with captivating titles and competent descriptions. This will significantly increase audience loyalty and attract new subscribers to your channel;
  3. Develop storytelling skills. In order for a video to gain popularity, it is not enough just to create a beautiful picture. At the courses of our programming school children will learn how to use available visual aids and tools, attract viewers with an intriguing introduction and keep them in front of the screen until the very end;
  4. Working with editing tools. In order to create quality content, it is important to start by learning the basic programs and suitable software. Also, our teachers believe it is important to teach children how to use mobile apps so that they have the ability to pick up a smartphone at any minute and generate super videos;
  5. YouTube analytics. It is important for a channel owner on the popular video hosting site to know what is happening with the channels, who is watching it, which videos are gaining more views and so on. In the courses we will teach you how to properly analyze statistics and collect important information.

Don't miss a unique opportunity for your child! Sign up for video editing courses at our programming school today.